Researchers of Statistics Education Network
The RoSE Network proactively creates an open and inclusive space for multidisciplinary researchers and practitioners of statistics education globally to connect, learn, and collaborate, toward advancing statistics education research and evidence-based practice.
latest news & EVENTS
RoSE Blog Launch
To end off an insightful and fruitful year in statistics education, RoSE has launched a new blog! (And we're calling for contributors 👀)
We’re excited to open this new hub for the global statistics education community. Our blog aims to spark conversations, share insights, and celebrate the diverse ways... Click here to read more
The RoSE Statistics Software SIG is pleased to facilitate a reading group on topics related to teaching coding (e.g. R) to students without a strong programming background. Our first session will be held online on Wednesday, 16th October 2024 - Click for more details! (Session materials now available)